Let's look at two more novelty pastes that can really enhance your mixed media projects.
Bead Paste is a clear drying paste with tiny clear glass beads embedded throughout. For best results, stir the product with a stir stick before using to distribute the beads. You can use the paste through a stencil, or directly onto the surface on glass and other surfaces, or use over decoupage for an interesting effect. Let product dry naturally. Using a dryer can turn the product white and prevent the transparency. You can also mix bead paste with pigments to color it before applying, but be mindful that this will affect the transparency.
Expand paste is a paste that puffs when heated. It dries white and forms foamy puffs after heat is applied. Be careful not to burn, but also be aware that it does take some time for the product to puff up. The thickness of application will determine how high the bubbles form. I like to use this in sea themes projects and rusty / grungy projects.
If you missed episode 6, you can watch it here: